Dariaus Čibonio mokymų centras

Negotiation Skills

Open course for everybody involved in sales or purchase negotiations

- Learn to win in negotiations -

Location: Hotel "Vilnius Grand Resort"

Number of participants:

iki 14.
iki 12.
  • The difference between selling and negotiating.
  • Three necessary preconditions for successful negotiatiions.
  • Busting the myths surrounding negotiations. The data of studies, performed by Huthwaite International.
  • Indicators of efficient behaviour when negotiating: the tricks, used by the strongest and traits of the weak.
  • Evaluating the participants’ negotiating skills, by use of “Objective behavioural indicators” method. Practical exercises and feedback.
  • Algorithm of preparation for negotiations.
  • Practical exercise of preparation to negotiate, performed in pairs.
  • Taking the initiative at the beginning of a negotiation. Practical exercise and feedback.
  • Using the win-win strategy when negotiating. Getting ready for a win-win negotiation.
  • Main mistakes made when negotiating and the ways to avoid them.
  • The ways to transfer positional communication to the motive based level.
  • Handling price negotiations successfully: 6 rules and 6 fatal mistakes.
  • 9 ways to improve your negotiating impact.
  • The ways to stand your ground when negotiating: assertiveness techniques.
  • The bank of gold ideas.
  • More Less

    A splendid seminar, during which I have received a lot of information, advice and comments. During the seminar we touched upon the situations that I face every day. Lots of advice, which I will use in practice. I hope that by using the acquired knowledge, I will successfully negotiate a lot of new contracts.

    Mindaugas Račas,
    Project Manager at "Valumina" UAB (Negotiation Skills)

    Labai įtraukiantis seminaras, kuris suteikia ir padeda praktiškai pritaikyti gautas žinias. Labai charizmatiškas ir įdomiai dėstantis mintis seminaro autorius.

    Ignas Beleckas
    UAB "Laneda" aktyvių pardavimų vadybininkas ("Derybų vedimo įgūdžiai")

    Ketvirtas kartas pas Darių šiais metais. Su kiekvienu kartu jaučiuosi vis stipresnis pardavimuose. Mokymai atneša pasitikėjimo bei įgūdžių pinkliose situacijose.

    Valteris Budahs
    "Bokštelis.lt" projektų vadovas ("Derybų vedimo įgūdžiai")

    690 EUR + VAT per person or

    640 EUR + VAT per person, when registering 3 employees from the same company

    The amount covers the training materials and participation in a 2 days’ seminar with lunch and two coffee breaks.


    REGISTER 100% money back guarantee!
    We could adapt the program specifically to your company needs.
    Contact us to discuss the terms of cooperation: +370 620 10001, +370 609 97856, info@lyderyste.lt
    Trainer and author - Darius Čibonis