Dariaus Čibonio mokymų centras

Presentation skills and techniques

Open course for those whose activities include public speaking or presentation of ideas to groups of people

- Learn to speak with confidence in a convincing way in front of the audience -

2024 11 25-26
Location: Hotel "Vilnius Grand Resort"

Number of participants:

iki 12.
  • Why some speakers attract great attention, while others fail to achieve that;

  • Busting the presentation related stereotypes;

  • Factors, determining apersuasive presentation;

  • Evaluation of participants’ public speaking skills;

  • Clear and universal algorithm for an effective presentation;

  • Preparing a presentation efficiently;

  • Overcoming stage fright;

  • Start of a presentation – how to “sell” yourself and the topic;

  • Main part of the presentation – selling the principal idea;

  • Things they don’t teach in acting class: how to sell any idea to any person;

  • Effective needs actualization technique in presentations;

  • Activating the listeners during the presentation;

  • The 21st century visual aids mania: how to prepare really effective visual aids;

  • Proper use of visual aids: ensuring that the aids actually help, rather than hinder;

  • The ways to keep the initiative and control the audience throughout the presentation;

  • End of presentation – call for action or die!

  • The bank of gold ideas.

  • More Less

    Mokymai labai naudingi ir reikalingi. Daug koncentruotos informacijos, dau praktinių užduočių su aptarimais, kas labai svarbu viešai prezentuojant bet kurioje gyvenimiškoje ir darbinėje situacijoje.
    Superinis startas pradėti veikti!

    Lina Zaščižinskienė
    UAB "Ortopedijos centras" medicinos atstovė ("Įtaigus prezentavimas ir viešasis kalbėjimas")

    For the first time in my life I participated in a seminar, where the participants are so much involved into the practical tasks. In addition, it was the first time I felt the stress, present in the beginning of the session, to be gone at the end. Not every presenter has such an ability to “break” the audience.

    Mantas Galinis,
    Head of Development at "Čeli Automatizuoto Projektavimo Sistemos" UAB (Presentation skills and techniques)

    Ačiū už informatyvius mokymus. Labai džiausiuosi, kad gavau lengvai pritaikomą, struktūrizuotą informaciją. Taip pat labai smagu, kad daugimą naujų žinių pavyko įtvirtinti per praktinius mokymų užsiėmimus.

    Arevik Oganian
    Lukrecijos labdaros ir paramos fondo paramos skyriaus vadovė ("Įtaigus prezentavimas ir viešasis kalbėjimas")

    690 EUR + VAT per person or

    640 EUR + VAT per person, when registering 3 employees from the same company

    The amount covers the training materials and participation in a 2 days’ seminar with lunch and two coffee breaks.

    REGISTER 100% money back guarantee!
    We could adapt the program specifically to your company needs.
    Contact us to discuss the terms of cooperation: +370 620 10001, +370 609 97856, info@lyderyste.lt
    Trainer and author - Darius Čibonis