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Dariaus Čibonio mokymų centras

Kviečiame registruotis į atviruosius mokymus. Taip pat organizuojame vidinius mokymus įmonėms. Jums pageidaujant, kiekvieną programą galime pritaikyti Jūsų įmonės specifikai ir poreikiams. Pasirinkite Jums aktualią mokymų temą ir registruokitės


My name is DARIUS ČIBONIS. I help companies increase profits by training and consulting their people in the areas of Sales, Negotiations and Management. 

I have been actively doing this for over 22 years of my professional career.

Feel free to explore Public Seminar programs or Email regarding a tailor made program for your employees only. 



Before the seminar I was 100% certain that my presentations are perfect. Much to my regret, I received a cold shower already during the first hour. After that I had only one thought in my mind – “what is there to be done” and “will I be able to do it”. However, all the materials, theory course and practical session, received during the seminar, cardinally changed my outlook and presentation preparation skills. Sincerely thank you, Darius.

Jutrix Edita Sapeliauskaite
Edita Sapeliauskienė,
Marketing Director at "Jutrix" UAB (Presentation skills and techniques)
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