Dariaus Čibonio mokymų centras

Active Sales Skills

Open course for those who actively sell products or services

- Sell easier and more profitably -

Location: Hotel "Vilnius Grand Resort"

Number of participants:

iki 15.
iki 16.
iki 14.
  • Profile of a successful sales person.

  • Main principles of customer segmentation. How to maximise profits with optimal efforts.

  • Sales efforts analysis and optimization model “Activeness – Direction – Efficiency” for self-evaluation.

  • Booking a sales meeting over the phone. How to get customer’s attention during the first 30 seconds.

  • Structure of an effective sales meeting.
  • Start of the meeting. How to arouse the customer’s interest from the start and keep the initiative.

  • Learning the needs vs. Developing the need awareness.

  • The bigger the need, the higher price may be paid for its satisfaction. The technique for building the need awareness.

  • The questions that really increase the need awareness.

  • Making the offer. The ways to make the offer one could hardly refuse.

  • Managing the customer’s objections. Price related objections, psychology and motives behind the words “too expensive”.

  • Negotiating the price. 6 price keeping principles.

  • Overview of the seminar. The bank of gold ideas.

  • More Less

    Labai informatyvūs mokymai. Atrodo, jog tu tai jau lyg ir žinai, tačiau profesionalus pateikimas "užveda" iš naujo. Gera atmosfera padeda susikaupti ties mokymais, nes dviejų dienų mokymai juk gali būti ir varginantys. Tačiau taip tikrai nėra. Daug sisteminimo idėjų, kurias planuoju naudoti darbo kasdienybėje, o taip pat ir pasidalinti su kolegomis. Ačiū už Jūsų laiką ir atsidavimą.

    Jovita Kyguolytė
    UAB "Betometa" pardavimų vadybininkė ("Aktyvus pardavimas"

    Labai patiko mokymų konkretumas, nereikalingos informacijos nebuvimas, dėmesys kiekvienam dalyviui ir asmeninės patirties pasidalijimas. Mokymų kokybę įrodo faktas, jog tiek man, tiek komandai dvi dienos praėjo kaip dvi valandos.

    Aurimas Petrauskas
    UAB "P.Markevičius ir Ko" pardavimų vadovas ("Aktyvus pardavimas")

    Professional, lively, practical, tangible benefits that I believe will increase our sales. Thanks, Darius, you helped us to become the best!

    Lina Sakalauskė,
    Marketing Manager at "AD Baltic" UAB ("Active Sales Skills")

    690 EUR + VAT per person or

    640 EUR + VAT per person, when registering 3 employees from the same company

    The amount covers the training materials and participation in a 2 days’ seminar with lunch and two coffee breaks.

    REGISTER 100% money back guarantee!
    We could adapt the program specifically to your company needs.
    Contact us to discuss the terms of cooperation: +370 620 10001, +370 609 97856, info@lyderyste.lt
    Trainer and author - Darius Čibonis