Dariaus Čibonio mokymų centras

Coaching teams for performance

Open course for experienced managers of people

- Awaken your subordinates' sense of responsibility and awareness -

2024 10 28-29
Location: Hotel "Vilnius Grand Resort"

Number of participants:

iki 8
  • How to expand the understanding of one’s possibilities.
  • What is coaching? The coaching culture in management in the 21st century. The difference between coaching and training or consultation.
  • Coaching in management. The essential traits of a specialist coach. Coaching myths and reality.
  • The 5 essential principles of coaching.
  • Why people resist change. The changes formula in coaching.
  • How to turn an idea into a goal and transfer it into an action plan.
  • Using the coaching circle technique for making your vision systematic and specific.
  • Relating the activity goals to a greater mission. The Robert Dilts pyramid model in management.
  • How to set goals, which a person would willingly attempt to achieve. Setting goals with the help of coaching.
  • Control and feedback. Constructive feedback.
  • Developing a solution focusing habit to use in case of problems. Using the G.R.O.W. coaching method in practice, during informal coaching sessions with the staff.
  • When a solution is hard to find: using the “magic” questions in coaching practice.
  • Self-sufficient problem resolution, when there is nobody to ask for advice. The “Mentoring Desk” coaching technique.
  • Creating a better balance between work and personal life. The life balance model.
  • The bank of gold ideas.
  • More Less

    Patiko, kad pristatomos skirtingos metodikos skirtingoms situacijoms ir netgi žmonių tipams.
    Gerai, kad buvo daug praktikos ir iškart vietoje pasakytas feedback'as ir įžvalgos.

    Gintarė Greičiūtė
    UAB "vinted" analitikų vadovė

    Glaustas ir aiškus informacijos pateikimas. Labai patiko praktiniai užsiėmai, kurie padėjo pagilinti teorines žinias.
    Maža grupė leido gauti daugiau informacijos apie mano asmenines problemas, susijusias su įmonės procesais ir jų valdymu.

    Marius Bieliauskas
    UAB "Pando Moto" COO ("Vadovavimas koučingo stiliumi")

    Esu labai dėkinga koučeriui Dariui už originalias, paprastas, žemiškas sesijas, kurias 100 proc. taikysiu ne tik vadovavime, bet ir gyvenime, tiek sau, tiek šeimoje, tiek ieškant sprendimų ir susitarimų su vaikais.
    Sesijos labai atpalaiduoja, tuo pačiu neleidžia nuobodžiauti, leidžia būti savimi, čia ir dabar. Lengvai dėstoma teorija, bendravimo stilius suprantamas. Vertinu 10 balų - tai yra maksimumas iš visų mokymų, kuriuose buvau per daugiau nei 10 metų.

    Giedrė Valuckienė
    UAB "Kelionių akademija" biuro lyderė ("Vadovavimas koučingo stiliumi")

    690 EUR + VAT per person or

    640 EUR + VAT per person, when registering 3 employees from the same company

    The amount covers the training materials and participation in a 2 days’ seminar with lunch and two coffee breaks.

    REGISTER 100% money back guarantee!
    We could adapt the program specifically to your company needs.
    Contact us to discuss the terms of cooperation: +370 620 10001, +370 609 97856, info@lyderyste.lt
    Trainer and author - Darius Čibonis