Dariaus Čibonio mokymų centras

Effective management skills

Open course for managers of companies and departments

- From selection of right candidates to a winning team -

Location: Hotel "Vilnius Grand Resort"

Number of participants:

iki 14.
iki 14.
  • Qualities of a successful manager. What is inborn and what is there to develop

  • Traits of a leader executive for your self-analysis

  • Manager vs. Specialist: how to find the right balance and grow from a specialist up to a manager

  • The essential situation management principles. Selecting the suitable management style for different employees

  • Delegation as a management style. When to use and with whom

  • Coaching as a management style. Using coaching for nurturing the subordinate employees’ self-sufficiency and responsibility

  • Employees’ typology: “performers”, “doers” and “losers”. The ways to recognize and treat them

  • Recruiting the right people: the 3 minute job interview, which you will easily master and be able to quickly recognize “winners” and avoid “losers”

  • The ways to ensure quick employee’s adaptation on new job

  • Setting motivating goals. Two goal setting methods: realistic and ambitious goals

  • Motivation of employees. Main principles and challenges.

  • Praise and criticism. Why most employees feel underappreciated. Feedback provision principles and biggest mistakes

  • The bank of gold ideas, solutions

  • More Less

    Seminaras buvo ypatingai įdomus. Suteikė didžiulį suvokimą savo klaidų, kurias darau kaip vadovas. Seminaras labai motyvuojantis, atsirado noras keisti požiūrį į darbą, į darbuotojus. Informacija buvo pateikta labai suprantamai ir aiškiai.

    Laura Dragūnienė
    UAB "Litradės mažmena" regiono vadovė ("Efektyvus vadovavimas")

    I received what I had expected – I was able to get a look at myself from the outside. I identified at least three things that I must implement into my management principles.

    Dovydas Auštras,
    Director of "Krimelte LT" UAB (Effective management Skills)

    Very useful and inspirational training, which gave me a new outlook on management, useful management tools and motivation to apply them in my everyday work.

    Ivan Savickij,
    Sales Team Manager at "BaltLED" UAB (Effective management skills)

    690 EUR + VAT per person or

    640 EUR + VAT per person, when registering 3 employees from the same company

    The amount covers the training materials and participation in a 2 days’ seminar with lunch and two coffee breaks.

    REGISTER 100% money back guarantee!
    We could adapt the program specifically to your company needs.
    Contact us to discuss the terms of cooperation: +370 620 10001, +370 609 97856, info@lyderyste.lt
    Trainer and author - Darius Čibonis